Other Usage


The bulletin board in Student Building and Campus Plaza is available to announce concerts, performances, and so on. This bulletin board is set up for the purpose of displaying leaflets and posters of your group’s announcements.

You must apply to use the bulletin board to display posters, so please come to Campus Plaza Office (even if you want to post them in Student Building). In principle, the posting period is one month, and the number of posters you can display depends on the size of them.

Please see the Posting Regulations for details.(written in Japanese)
In addition to bulletin boards, the lobby of Student Building/Campus Plaza has some places for leaflets and pamphlets, etc. You can use them freely. Note that these places are shared by everyone.

Storage of Lost Items

If you have lost something in the building, please ask the Office. Both Student Building and Campus Plaza have shelves for lost items near the Office, so please search them first.
Lost items that cannot be returned to the owners will be transferred to Student Support Division in Administration Building.

About Public Relation


You can get the latest information of Student Building and Campus Plaza from our twitter account. You can check information of sudden changes of opening hours, so please follow us.

The username is “@GakkanUT”.

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